
A collection of 3 posts


The Dangerous Three: the Most Recent Examples of Fraudulent Attacks

We’ve been telling enough about the advantages of alternative data and risks associated with collecting conventional data on your borrowers. Today we will demonstrate how personal data usage can not only turn into risk and damage for the financial institution’s working process but also spell disaster for the whole business. We will draw on several cases from our experience, which are: Seasonal Aggravations, Fraudulent Brute Force Attacks, and the Black Swan. What are these risks and how to get protected?


Can BlockChain Stop Online Fraud? Not Yet

As you may have noticed, this is a topic we just couldn’t ignore. Thanks to the cryptocurrency market becoming, for better or worse, the latest media darling, the term “blockchain” seems to be on everybody’s lips. By itself, blockchain technology is a collective term that combines both the database (databases) containing information about owners and a number of technologies, such as blockchain (chain of transaction blocks) and distributed ledger technology. It is this sphere that receives the most attention, and the hype is deserved at the moment.